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Flor amarilla

second trimester

During the second trimester of pregnancy, the mother may experience a range of emotional and psychological changes. Some key aspects to consider are:

Madre e hijo

Bonding with the Baby

During this period, many women feel a stronger emotional connection with the baby as they begin to feel fetal movements. Talking to the baby and gently touching the belly can strengthen this connection.


It's normal for the mother's body to undergo significant changes. Working on maintaining a positive body image and remembering that these changes are temporary can help maintain healthy self-esteem.

Image by Jackson David

Communication with Partner

Continuing open communication with the partner is essential for maintaining a strong relationship during pregnancy. Discussing expectations and concerns can strengthen the relationship.

Preparation for Birth

Considering birthing options and attending childbirth preparation classes can reduce anxiety and increase the mother's confidence in her ability to give birth.

Centro de Nacimientos
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